Bagikan informasi tentang Implementation of Scaffolding Strategy to Teach Reading in MTsn Paron (Naturalistic Study) kepada teman atau kerabat Anda.
This research has aims to investigate (1) Teachers’ perception on scaffolding used in teaching reading, (2) Types of scaffolding used in teaching reading, (3) Teacher’s way in implementing scaffolding in teaching reading, and (4) Students’ responses on scaffolding used by the teacher in teaching reading. The participant of the reasearch are three English teachers and thirty four students of MTsN Paron. The data are obtained from the interview, observation and questionnaire. The findings of the study first reveal that teachers’s perception that scaffolding help students in learning reading because to achieve good reading performance needs the mastery of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Scaffolding can encourage and motivate students to learn reading. Scaffolding make teachers easier to teach reading because the students have been encouraged already. Second, the types of scaffolding in this study found are: teacher talk, teaching media, task division, classroom management which includes eye contact, gesturing, appraisal, jokes and intermezzo, and explanation, clarification,instruction, corrective feedback, initiation ( asking about previous topics and greeting), brainstorming, topic selection ( selecting interesting topic and related to the syllabus) asking question, translation and giving motivation. Scaffolding also increase English teachers’ knowledge about the different kind of scaffolding to teach reading in the classroom. Third English teachers implement scaffolding started from brainstorming, pre-activity, whilst-activity and post-activity. The other of result shows that the way English teachers in implementing scaffolding create the students’ comfort in learning reading. Fourth the students’ responses show that they create their motivation and their creativity in learning reading. English teachers of MTsN Paron have positive perception on scaffolding that they applied.
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