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This book is prepared for Islamic higher education students to develop their reading comprehension. The authentic reading materials are taken from Islamic teaching materials written in English such as books and articles in journal. Consequently, the materials are authentic reading texts because they are not basically written for language teaching and learning. The critical factors underlying this consideration are 1) to enable the learners to learn specific aspect of language effectively and efficiently; 2) to provide students of Islamic education at Islamic Higher Education opportunity to read Islamic materials that are written in English; 3) to increase the students’ motivation in reading the text because they have already been familiar with the topics. All in all, the readers are also required to apply integrated language skills in the reading process such as speaking and writing.
*Pemesanan dapat langsung menghubungi kontak di bawah ini:
*Pemesanan dapat langsung menghubungi kontak di bawah ini:
*Pemesanan dapat langsung menghubungi kontak di bawah ini:
*Pemesanan dapat langsung menghubungi kontak di bawah ini:
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